
Krosno competes for funds from the Norwegian Funds

Support for the development of entrepreneurship, integration of young people, development of the housing, educational and cultural offer, arrangement of green and recreational areas, new tourist products, broad social participation, as well as institutional support in Krosno are the main elements of the project entitled "We Create + We Develop + We Activate + We Motivate + We Determine + We Change = KROSNO", which was submitted to the competition for co-financing from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021. The city is applying for co-financing in the amount of PLN 41.7 million . The competition results will be known in the first half of 2021. 

We've had several months of work on the project behind us. With the extensive participation of socio-economic partners, the following documents were prepared: Local Development Plan, Institutional Development Plan and a complete project proposal. The documents were developed participatively, with the participation of residents, social organizations, entrepreneurs and institutions. Their creators are members of the City Team, appointed by the Mayor of Krosno, composed of local government employees and a wide representation of socio-economic partners, as well as the Krosno Development Council - a team of social advisors (its members were nominated by the residents themselves as a result of an open recruitment). 82 people were directly involved in the work (33% were representatives of the city hall, municipal companies and organizational units, 67% were representatives of the economic and social sectors). The primary value when preparing the documents was the idea that each resident of Krosno had the opportunity to co-create it by participating in workshops and social consultations.
The Local Development Plan and the Institutional Development Plan consist of a total of 115 projects grouped into 36 activities. All projects will meet accessibility standards, i.e. they will be accessible and friendly to people with special needs, including: people with disabilities, limited mobility, the elderly, families with children.

The project assumes the involvement of 12 partners in the implementation of activities and projects:

  • Carpathian State University in Krosno (implementation of a number of activities in the field of education, development of entrepreneurship and cooperation with business, as well as development of social activity),
  • Guild of Miscellaneous Crafts in Krosno (implementation of a number of activities in the field of entrepreneurship development, vocational education and tourism),
  • B-4 Association (implementation of a comprehensive youth soft skills training program),
  • National Real Estate Resource (implementation of the concept of developing new residential areas in cooperation with residents),
  • Krosno Housing Cooperative (implementation of a number of activities related to the creation of green and recreational areas in housing estates, in cooperation with residents, as well as ecological education and regional and local education),
  • Krosno University of the Third Age (implementation of the ecological education program)
  • The Ultra Foundation (implementation of a pilot program for the integration of various social groups through sports and recreation),
  • Children and Youth Culture Association Dysonans (implementation of a program for developing creativity of children and youth),
  • Kogel Mogel Association (implementation of the community organizing program in Krosno),
  • Carpathian Social Economy Cluster Foundation (implementation of a number of activities in the field of tourism and involving residents in the creation of a tourist product - modern participatory marketing),
  • City of Rzeszów (support in institutional development - implementation of social participation standards),
  • City of Gdynia (support in institutional development - implementation of accessibility and social participation standards).

Partners beyond the reach of public finances and their availability in open recruitment.

See what activities and projects are planned to be implemented:

List of activities of the Local Development Plan  (includes basic activities, i.e. those planned for implementation from the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, as well as supplementary activities for which other sources of financing are planned).
List of activities of the Institutional Development Plan

I would like to thank the members of the Municipal Team and the Krosno Development Council for their joint, creative work, interesting ideas and comments that influenced the final shape of the Local Development Plan and the Institutional Development Plan. I would like to thank all project partners for their readiness to cooperate with the city, the reported projects, their development, preparation of very detailed descriptions, which required a lot of knowledge and creativity, as well as delving into the diagnosis of the city's problems - says Piotr Przytocki, mayor of Krosno. - At every stage of the project's creation, we could count on the advisory support of experts from the Association of Polish Cities - Barbara Łaczna and Grzegorz Godziek, to whom we deserve special thanks - adds the president.

The prepared project is special. It touches on many areas of Krosno's socio-economic life, involves several partners and is based on many pilot solutions that have not been used on such a large scale so far - informs Dr. Tomasz Soliński, deputy president. – In our planned activities, we place great emphasis on working with residents, joint design, and determining the final shape of implemented projects based on extensive opinion surveys and modern forms of participation. In this way, young people themselves will decide about the project of the Youth Activity Center and the initiatives that will be implemented there. With the participation of residents, a concept of a new, model housing estate will be created in the area of ​​ul. Sikorski. The inhabitants of Krosno will also decide which sports disciplines will be offered as part of the program for the development of sports and recreational activities. It is worth noting that Norwegian funds will be used to implement projects particularly expected by residents, including: construction of a pedestrian and bicycle path along Wisłok, construction of a new skate park, and creation of green and recreational areas - adds Dr. Tomasz Soliński.

Get familiar with documentation:
Local Development Plan of the City of Krosno for 2021-2030,
Institutional Development Plan of the City of Krosno for 2021-2030.


Krosno konkuruje o środki z Funduszy Norweskich - zdjęcie w treści     

Work of the City Team



  Krosno konkuruje o środki z Funduszy Norweskich - zdjęcie w treści  nr 1

Works of the Krosno Development Council



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