
Residents rated the City Hall

More consultations on urban projects with residents, less bureaucracy - this is what the residents of Krosno expect from the City Hall.

589 people completed the survey, which we conducted from June 30 to July 17, 2020.

Its aim was to learn the opinions of residents about the level of public services, including the level of service, as well as to involve residents in the local development planning process. The survey results are one of the elements of diagnosing the state of institutional development in Krosno. They will be taken into account when planning activities in the emerging Institutional Development Plan, as well as the Local Development Plan.

The study was carried out as part of work on the project entitled "We Create + We Develop + We Activate + We Motivate + We Determine + We Change = KROSNO".

Detailed results are presented in the report (you can download it using a link below).


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Urząd Miasta Krosna

38-400 Krosno
ul. Lwowska 28a

tel. 13 47 430 01

Kontakt z Inwestorami
Urząd Miasta Krosna

38-400 Krosno
ul. Lwowska 28a

tel. 13 47 43 301

Informacja Kulturalno-Turystyczna

38-400 Krosno
ul. Blich 1

tel/fax. 515 252 776

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