Konferencja Cechu Rzemiosł Różnych (2).webp

Training and workshops "tailor-made" for our times. The Guild of Miscellaneous Crafts invites you

Workshops for leisure activities for children together with their parents or grandparents, networking for local entrepreneurs, as well as training and apprenticeships ending with an exam confirming the acquired qualifications at the level of journeyman or master. This and many other interesting proposals can be found in the rich offer of the Krosno Guild of Miscellaneous Crafts prepared "to meet the needs" of the residents of our city.

The Guild of Miscellaneous Crafts, as a partner of the city project "We Create + We Develop + We Activate + We Motivate + We Determine + We  Change = KROSNO"”, implemented with the use of Norwegian funds, organizes projects whose intention is to popularize crafts among the local community and revitalize the Krosno old town. In addition, the Guild is involved in educational, networking and strengthening activities for the local labour market and business.

Craft workshops "Take a look to the Guild”.

An endeavor to integrate families. A total of 26 events. The free workshops are a proposal to spend free time for children together with their parents or grandparents. The activities promote creativity, interaction and creation. Each event lasts 3 hours and gathers about 12 people at a time. The guild organizes meetings together with local craftsmen, who, by presenting participants with a slice of their profession, involve them in interaction.

We regret that school practical-technical classes have become a thing of the past, while in other European countries and especially in Scandinavia we see them flourishing. We are convinced that participation in workshops such as: constructing a birdhouse, kneading dough, decorating a cake, making haircuts or building simple electrical circuits is first of all great fun for children or young people, but also a source of inspiration that can contribute to the choice of a further educational path and the desire to acquire specific professional skills," says Marek Kieltyka, senior of the Krosno Guild.

The topics of the workshops are decided by Krosno residents in an online public consultation. Through questionnaires, Krosno residents can tell the Guild about their workshop interests, increasing the chances of their implementation.

You can fill out the questionnaire here - QUESTIONNAIRE
Here you can read more about the events - READ THE ARTICLE

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The rich offer of training courses and workshops of the Krosno Guild was presented at the conference (14th November) by Marek Kieltyka, Senior Guild Member of the Guild of Miscellaneous Crafts, and Marta Matelowska, manager of the Guild office.

Professional training “Become a craftsman”
This is a venture to activate adults. Training courses are aimed at adult residents of Krosno. The courses are open to both unemployed, studying and working people over the age of 18 (including people with disabilities). A total of 16, 120-hour courses will be organized under the Norwegian project.

Participants will be trained in small groups of 6 people. As in the case of the workshops, the key influence on the topics of the classes comes from residents who participate in the public consultation. Usually, these are the people interested in participating in the course, who, by leaving their email in the survey, are the fastest to find out about the recruitment for the training. Unemployed people or students answer in which profession they want to train, while working people indicate the areas in which they want to improve. In addition, the Guild collects information from local entrepreneurs, finding out what competencies and skills are currently needed in the labor market.

We get a lot of questions related to whether an occupation is or is not of a craft character? The easiest way for us to answer this question is to use the words of Louis Nizer "A man who works with his hands is a labourer; a man who works with his hands and mind is a craftsman; and a man who works with his hands, mind and heart is an artist," so we encourage those taking part in the consultation to be creative. In this endeavour, we can organize a wide variety of courses. The most important thing is that the specializations and chosen courses bring real development to the participants and open new professional perspectives," says Marta Matelowska, head of the Guild office.

Here, as a candidate or employer, you can fill out a questionnaire - QUESTIONNAIRE FOR EMPLOYERS


Craft Fair
This is a recreational event scheduled for June 2023.

The event in its essence is intended to be a true craftsmen's festival," says Marek Kieltyka, senior of the Krosno Guild. The intention of the event will be to enliven Krosno's old town and give entrepreneurs who rely on craft knowledge and traditions an opportunity to present their products. The event will include music and craft workshops for children and young people, the Guild Senior adds.

„Networking of local entrepreneurs”
The venture, implemented by the Krosno Miscellaneous Crafts Guild, is an important step in initiating long-term cooperation among local companies. At the Guild, we believe that the world of different businesses, can fantastically intermingle and complement each other, but such things will not happen on their own. It is essential to use tools that will help build a good space for establishing business contacts, confronting ideas, exchanging experiences and sharing knowledge. Such a zone is needed by those entrepreneurs who, in the development of their companies, are guided by the care of relations with the entire environment of their business. Customers very quickly verify whether the companies where they purchase or use services are friendly to each other. We believe that networking translates into a friendly atmosphere for doing business in a given place and this, in turn, influences the loyalty of regular customers and a growing number of new ones. The most important premise of this project is to establish a group of LAOs - local, active and open to cooperation entrepreneurs striving in their philosophies for such effects that unite and bring common benefits. Networking in Krosno we want to develop in the first place around the food, restaurant and unique products of the city.

Young people in the craft
The craft is the largest vocational school in Poland. Education in a craftsmanship establishment begins after signing a vocational training contract with a master trainer and registering it with the Guild of Miscellaneous Crafts in Krosno.

Learning a craft is intended to ensure that students achieve a high level of professional proficiency resulting from the requirements formulated in the characteristics of the craft in question, the program of practical vocational training and the examination requirements for candidates for selected professions.

Such training is an excellent opportunity to learn about the entire economic and marketing sphere of the operation of small and medium-sized businesses.

This year, 82 young workers took the journeyman exam. This compares with only 40 last year and 2020. - 43 people.

In the current year, we signed 101 apprenticeship contracts.

The ongoing progress and changes in the profession, often force people to undertake and acquire studies and higher qualifications in their profession. The Guild makes it possible to confirm one's qualifications at the level of journeyman or master, as well as to acquire new qualifications through participation in organized training and courses.

About 250 people from Krosno and the Krosno district have participated in the projects implemented so far, and have acquired new professional skills. The Training Center operating at the Guild organizes pedagogical courses for instructors of practical vocational training.

We invite all those who wish to learn a new profession to contact the Guild Office. We train in craft professions, including baker, confectioner, hairdresser, mechanic, electrician, carpenter. At the Guild, it is also possible to confirm qualifications at the journeyman and master level in the above professions and more, and the craftsman's diploma is recognized and valued by employers in the European Union and beyond.

In addition, the Guild provides advice on health and safety issues, and we will soon launch a "Level Up" project aimed at children and young people who want to consolidate their knowledge of school subjects.


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Activities taken by the Guild of Miscellaneous Crafts are a part of the project "We Create + We Develop + We Activate + We Motivate + We Determine + We  Change = KROSNO" implemented under the Local Development Program, co-financed 85% from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and 15% from the state budget.

„Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe"

The amount of funding received is 15,328,498.86 PLN. The beneficiary/lead partner is the Municipality of Krosno. The aim of the project is to comprehensively improve the quality of life in Krosno and better adapt Krosno's administration to the needs of its residents.





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