
Together we are creating a development project for Krosno. Survey results and work report

With the great cooperation of the inhabitants of Krosno, a list of several hundred resources of our city was created. Workshop meetings of the City Team and the Krosno Development Council were held. We present a summary of the last two weeks of work on the project titled: „We Create + We Develop + We Activate + We Motivate + We Determine + We Change = KROSNO”.


From June 8 to 14, you could take part in a brainstorming session via the Public Consultation Platform. Residents and supporters of the city were asked to indicate elements characteristic of Krosno, unique elements that are a reason to be proud. We received answers from 106 Internet users - they were often extensive and detailed. Members of the Municipal Team and the Krosno Development Council also commented on this matter.

What are resources of Krosno?
The most frequently mentioned were local industrial traditions (glass, oil, aviation) and crafts, as well as issues related to local entrepreneurship. The presence of innovative industry and extensive commercial and service functions, attracting residents of nearby communes and poviats, were pointed out.

The potential of people living in or coming from Krosno was emphasized.

‘Talented people. We have outstanding personalities in virtually every field. We have wonderful young inventors, great artists, enterprising businessmen, and wise teachers.’

Many answers concerned historical, architectural (e.g. Old Town Square), tourist and infrastructure resources, including those with potential for future use.

‘Bridges. They could be given a more romantic and tourist character. The bridge on Okrzei Street, from which you can see the old town, should be revitalized in particular. Stylish lamps can emphasize that the tourist area begins there (…). The footbridge at Jordanowski Park should also look nicer, as should the crossing over the tracks at the station. Let them not be ordinary, but extraordinary, beautiful, stylish.’

The advantages of Krosno as a small city, attractive to those who value life in slow motion, were noticed, and its potential as a "boutique" city was indicated.

“As a person who moved away from Krosno, but wants to return here in the next few years (months?), I would like to describe the advantages that I noticed after my emigration but also those that were suggested to me by people visiting Krosno at my request (…) . The first thing is, of course, the charm of the town, its location near the Bieszczady Mountains, nice people and the so-called free life. The trend is heading in this direction, people want to live in quiet places, working remotely if they have the opportunity (…).”

„(…) the strength of smaller agglomerations close to larger ones may be to promote them as "boutique cities", where you don't go shopping in chain stores or go to chain cafes. Shopping and spending free time as an experience of something different - better - higher-end. Or even unusual (…)”

The issue of rich natural resources was raised many times.

‘ (…) fields of rape, (…) meadow herbs: sage, mullein, wild origanum, hypericum, borage, touch-me-not, marigold, wild garlic, (…) grandma gardens with luins, phlox, peonies, mallows…’
‘Today, interest in nature, herbs and plants is reborn. This should be used to renew flax cultivation and the production of flax products. Especially since the area is ecologically clean.’

It is worth emphasizing that the indicated resources were often not limited to Krosno itself, but also included elements found in the surrounding communes. Mutual influence, community and the need to cooperate with neighbours were emphasized, including the field of tourism.

‘We have one of the largest climbing areas in Poland. Throughout Europe, rock climbing is treated as a broadly understood tourist product. Unfortunately, this is still not the case in here. Last year, the Korczyna commune noticed the potential of this activity for the first time and took steps towards its development. I think the city could confidently cooperate with it in this regard.’

Many respondents paid attention to education and culture, resources in the form of institutions and active non-governmental organizations.

We publish a systematic list of Krosno resources in a file for download. The catalog is still open and anyone can submit their suggestions for additions by sending an e-mail to: rozwojlokalny@um.krosno.pl.
The indicated resources will be used in further work to plan new, valuable products on their basis. 

Functionalities of the city of Krosno and its products
At the workshop of the City Team developing the project, which took place on June 17, the participants discussed profile and main functions of Krosno, and they created a catalog of products (offers), which are crucial for the development of the city - both existing and potential.
Team members most often indicated the following functions of Krosno, which in their opinion are leading and best reflect the character of our city: cultural, scientific and educational, commercial, industrial, recreational, administrative, tourist, and service. They then identified the city's products around these functions.
The next stage of work on the product catalog is pending, we will inform you about its results.

The vision and problems of Krosno in the opinion of the Development Council
The Krosno Development Council met on June 18. One of the motives of the workshop work was to formulate a vision of Krosno. Council members indicated key words that best describe the vision of Krosno in the next 10-20 years.

In groups of several people, an analysis was carried out of the problems that make Krosno not yet as green, accessible, rich and modern as in the dreams of its inhabitants. The causes of these problems were also searched for.

- I would like to thank all the people who have actively participated in the work so far and invite them to further cooperation – says Piotr Przytocki, Mayor of Krosno.

More information you can find here:

Photo galleries:
Warsztaty Zespołu Miejskiego - 17 czerwca 2020 r.
Warsztaty Rady Rozwoju Krosna - 18 czerwca 2020 r.

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38-400 Krosno
ul. Lwowska 28a

tel. 13 47 430 01

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Urząd Miasta Krosna

38-400 Krosno
ul. Lwowska 28a

tel. 13 47 43 301

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38-400 Krosno
ul. Blich 1

tel/fax. 515 252 776

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