
The President appointed the Krosno Development Council

26 people nominated by residents will sit on the Krosno Development Council - an advisory, consultative and opinion-giving team for President Piotr Przytocki. The council will participate in making decisions of strategic importance for the future of the city. 

 - The purpose of establishing the Krosno Development Council is to increase social participation in the city - says Mayor Piotr Przytocki. - The Council will directly participate in decision-making processes regarding the most important issues from the point of view of Krosno's development. The composition of the Council takes into account a wide representation of various environments, including representatives of entrepreneurs and social organizations with competences in areas important for the development of the city. What’s important, the members of the Council were nominated by the residents themselves, adds the president.

 The open recruitment of candidates for the Krosno Development Council was conducted from February 21 to March 6, 2020. Candidates’ name could be submitted by residents and all entities interested in the development of the city (e.g. non-governmental organizations, companies, institutions).

Candidates were required to have appropriate competences and experience, as well as outstanding achievements and activity in the following areas:

  • economy, entrepreneurship, labour market,
  • youth affairs, science, education,
  • culture, sport issues
  • safety and health
  • social and senior policy, social inclusion,
  • environment, infrastructure.

Candidates had to meet the criteria of knowledge and experience, social authority and to show previous achievements.

As a result of the recruitment, 26 people were nominated - all candidates were appointed to the Krosno Development Council. 

An important aspect of establishing the Krosno Development Council is to ensure broad social participation in the creation of the Local Development Plan, the Institutional Development Plan and the development of a project proposal together with the local community, which the city will submit in the call for funding from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014 - 2021 as part of the Local Development Program - informs Dr. Tomasz Soliński, deputy president. - The project is called "We Create+ We Develop+ We Activate + We Motivate + We Determine + We Change=KROSNO", and its main goals are to comprehensively improve the quality of life and better adapt the administration to the needs of residents. Consultations within the Krosno Development Council will be one of the forms of involving the local community in the process of co-decision about the city, which is extremely important in the work on this project. The Krosno Development Council will also act after the development of the project as a permanent advisory body to the President on the most important development issues - adds Dr. Tomasz Soliński. 



  • Jacek Buczyński - Representative of the Krosno Development Foundation,
  • Piotr Dymiński - Representative of Pasjonauci Foundation,
  • Paweł Fiejdasz - Representative of the Entrepreneurial Union Association,
  • Stanisław Frej - Representative of the Krosno University of the Third Age,
  • Izabela Fularz - Social activist,
  • Marcin Kaleniecki - Chairman of the Management Board of Osiedle Tysiąclecia, representative of the OHP Youth Work and Education Center,
  • Marek Kiełtyka – Senior Manager of the Guild of Miscellaneous Crafts in Krosno
  • Renata Lipińska - Kościółko - President of the Active Club of Pensioners and Pensioners of the Polanka District,
  • Aneta Kozak - Councilor of the Millennium Housing Estate,
  • Jarosław Kwella – Representative of Beniaminek PROFBUD Krosno,
  • Jacek Makoś - Representative of the County Board of the National Defense League in Krosno,
  • Robert Moskal - Financial Director of BWI Poland Technologies Sp. z o. o. Krosno Branch,
  • Przemysław Niepokój – Hepnar - Member of the Photo Club of Poland, Regional Center for Borderland Cultures,
  • Mateusz Nowak - Member of the Mensa Polska Association,
  • Łukasz Stachurski - Representative of the Crafts Museum in Krosno,
  • Joanna Śmietana - Student of the Carpathian State University in Krosno,
  • Adrian Tabak - Councilor of the Białobrzegi District,
  • Paweł Ungeheuer - Representative of the Portius Association,
  • Dominik Urba - Representative of the Entrepreneurial Union, Councilor of the Południe Housing Estate,
  • Marta Urbanowicz – Matelowska - Representative of the Guild of Miscellaneous Crafts in Krosno,
  • Ewa Węklar - Representative of the Krosno University of the Third Age,
  • Piotr Wietecha - Entrepreneur, WIETPOL Aerospace Sp. z o.o.,
  • Rafał Woźniak - President of the Idea Carpathia Association,
  • Dawid Zabawa - Entrepreneur, coordinator of innovative projects, P4P Consulting Sp. z o. o.,
  • Tomasz Zajdel - Chairman of the Turaszówka Housing Estate Council,
  • Damian Ziemba - Representative of the GraTy Group.
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