
Social partners sought for joint implementation of the project. Open call for applications.

The Mayor of Krosno, Piotr Przytocki, invites non-governmental organizations, business environment institutions, business associations and housing cooperatives to participate in the recruitment of partners for the project entitled ‘We Create+ We Develop+ We Activate+ We Motivate+ We Determine + We Change = KROSNO.’ The project will apply for funding from the Norwegian Funds. Applications together with proposals for integrated, comprehensive projects can be submitted until August 6, 2020, at 10 a.m. Training on preparing applications will take place on July 28 this year at. 4:00 p.m. at the Regional Center for Borderland Cultures in Krosno.

Information about recruitment

The recruitment announcement, along with the regulations and the applicable form, can be found in the Public Information Bulletin:


The recruitment is organized in connection with the developed project entitled: ‘We Create+ We Develop+ We Activate+ We Motivate+ We Determine + We Change = KROSNO’ which will be submitted in the competition for funding from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.

The project is multi-faceted, integrating various areas of the city's activities in order to comprehensively improve the quality of life in Krosno and better adapt local government administration to the needs of citizens.

- I invite organizations operating in Krosno to participate in the recruitment process and submit their own grassroots initiatives that the city will support. I am convinced that by combining forces and resources, we will obtain added value in the form of better quality of implemented projects and their best possible adaptation to the needs of residents - says Mayor Piotr Przytocki.

What is project partnership?
- The organizations that will be selected as city partners will play a very important role in the preparation and implementation of the project. Immediately after the selection of partners, intensive design workshops will be held - joint clarification of details regarding the proposed project and preparation of a detailed project fiche, in accordance with the requirements of the call for funding applications - informs the deputy president, Dr. Tomasz Soliński. – Social partners will be fully responsible for the proper implementation of the scope of work entrusted to them. If funding is obtained, cooperation will be regulated in partnership agreements, adds the deputy president.
There is no requirement for partners to make a financial contribution - the project applies for funding from the Norwegian Funds in the amount of 100% of eligible costs.

Who can be a partner?
Partners sought are non-governmental organizations, business environment institutions, business associations, housing cooperatives operating in Krosno.

The partner must be an entity independent of the city and cannot belong to the corporate sector.

In what areas are we looking for partners?
We expect partners to implement projects in the following areas: environmental, social, economic, cultural and spatial. Details, including sample project types, are described in the recruitment regulations. You can propose very diverse projects, from comprehensive activities contributing to the revitalization of the Old Town, through natural and ecological education, regional and local education building local patriotism, social and educational campaigns promoting education in technical fields, innovative projects supporting social participation and involving residents in the process co-deciding on development directions, to activities implementing senior policy and integration of residents.

What should you pay special attention to when preparing your application?

The submitted project proposals should have an integrated and multidimensional impact on solving the city's development problems, involve the local community and contribute to setting a new development path for Krosno.

Integrated projects are those that combine various activities from several areas and have a comprehensive impact on solving the identified problem.

Each proposal should also meet accessibility standards - contribute to improving the quality of life of all city residents, including groups with special needs and at risk of social exclusion (e.g. people with disabilities).

Individuals or teams representing social partners interested in participating in the recruitment are invited to participate in the training, which will take place on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 at 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. at the Regional Center of Borderland Cultures in Krosno. They will be led by advisors from the Association of Polish Cities, with whom we cooperate in the project development process.


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