
Nominate a candidate for the Krosno Development Council

The Mayor of Krosno, Piotr Przytocki, invites residents to nominate candidates for the newly established Krosno Development Council. The Krosno Development Council will be an advisory, consultative and opinion-giving team of the Mayor of the City, composed of experts and representatives of the social, economic and scientific communities.


The tasks of the Council will include supporting the President in creating solutions of strategic importance for the development of Krosno, in particular:

  • assessment of the diagnosis of the socio-economic situation of the city,
  • supporting the monitoring and evaluation of strategic documents, assessing the implementation of the City Development Strategy,
  • cooperation in the creation of documents of strategic importance, including the City Development Strategy, the Local Development Plan and the Institutional Development Plan, agreeing on the vision and strategic goals, strategic activities, as well as giving opinions on draft strategic documents,
  • giving opinions on pro-development initiatives and projects of key importance for the city,
  • expressing opinions and positions on matters important for the development of Krosno.

The Council will be composed of people with appropriate competences and experience and outstanding achievements and activity in the following areas:

  • economy, entrepreneurship, labour market,
  • youth affairs, science, education,
  • culture, sport,
  • safety and health
  • social and senior policy, social inclusion,
  • environment, infrastructure.

In each field, three members of the Council will be selected from among the registered people, according to the following criteria: knowledge and experience, social authority and previous achievements shown.
Members of the Development Council are appointed by the Mayor of Krosno from among the submitted candidates. The President may directly appoint additional members.
Candidates' applications should be submitted on the attached form.

Candidates can be submitted by city residents and all entities interested in the development of Krosno (e.g. non-governmental organizations, companies, institutions). Together with the application, it is necessary to present the candidate's written consent to membership in the Council.

Applications can be sent by March 6, 2020 to the e-mail address: ri@um.krosno.pl or sent by post or submitted to the Krosno City Hall, Lwowska 28 A, 38-400 Krosno.

There is no remuneration for membership in the Council.

- The Krosno Development Council will be a forum for exchanging knowledge, experiences and opinions on the most important topics for our city - says Mayor Piotr Przytocki. – I want this body to include people recommended by residents, their representatives, who enjoy trust, respect, know the needs well and will be willing to provide expert advice. They will be conversation partners, often on difficult topics related to the city's problems and challenges. I invite you to submit candidacies and get involved in Krosno's affairs - adds the President. In the near future, it is planned to involve the Krosno Development Council in work on the Local Development Plan and the Institutional Development Plan, as well as the development of a project proposal that the city will submit in the call for funding from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 under the Local Development Program.

- The main goals of this project are comprehensive improvement of the quality of life in Krosno and better adaptation of the administration to the needs of residents - informs Dr. Tomasz Soliński, Deputy Mayor. - The project will cover many aspects, including: entrepreneurship, education, youth affairs, senior policy, activation of groups at risk of exclusion, housing policy, development of a smart city. It is intended to respond to diagnosed problems that contribute to negative socio-economic phenomena. The strategic documents and the project proposal will be developed in accordance with the principle of broad public participation. In this process, the opinions and tips we receive from the Krosno Development Council will be of key importance - explains Dr. Tomasz Soliński.

Information and explanations regarding the recruitment procedure are provided by the City Development and Investor Assistance Department, tel. 13 47 43 301, 13 47 43 303, e-mail: ri@um.krosno.pl. 

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38-400 Krosno
ul. Lwowska 28a

tel. 13 47 430 01

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Urząd Miasta Krosna

38-400 Krosno
ul. Lwowska 28a

tel. 13 47 43 301

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ul. Blich 1

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