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Join us in the training "Practical tips for NGO activities"!

The Center for Support of Non-Governmental Organizations invites you to participate in a free training course "Practical Tips for NGO Operations"!

The training will be conducted by an experienced trainer - Joanna Danicka from the Superhero Guild Association.

Due to its very important subject matter, the training will be held in two groups - so that more people, including working people, will benefit from it!

PLACE: NGO Support Center at 10 Grodzka Street in Krosno.
TIME: 17th October 2022
GROUP 1: 10 a.m. 2 p.m.
GROUP 2: 4 p.m. – 8 p.m.
One training group will consist of up to 8 people. Catering will be provided during the training, including a one-course lunch.

How to register:

The training program includes:

  1. Supervision only sounds threatening - forms and scope of control and supervision of associations / foundations, performed by various entities: KRS, district governor, etc;
  2. Fear of the KRS Has Big Eyes - preparing documentation for the KRS: setting up an NGO, obtaining PBO status, making changes, formal requirements for various types of documents, applying for fee exemption;
  3. (Un)terrified of bureaucracy - keeping the current documentation of the organization: mandatory documents, additional documents to help in operations, useful tips for preparing resolutions, orders, budget estimates and internal reports of the NGO;
  4. Is an accountant needed right away? - The necessary scope of accounting and payroll in organizations, including the topic of employment of NGO board members - practical advice and sample documents;
  5. A good calendar is the basis! - The most important deadlines for the submission of specific types of documents and statements by NGOs;
  6. Report once, and report well - annual reporting and accountability obligations: financial report, factual report, special reports (e.g., CSO), register of real beneficiaries, legally required statements and information to various entities, and others;
  7. Other practical tips relevant to this area.


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The training will be implemented as part of the project entitled "We create+We Develop+We Activate+We Motivate+We Determine+We Change=KROSNO" implemented under the Local Development Program, co-financed 85% from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and 15% from the state budget.

„Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe

The amount of funding received is 15,328,498.86 PLN. The beneficiary/lead partner is the Municipality of Krosno. The aim of the project is to comprehensively improve the quality of life in Krosno and better adapt Krosno's administration to the needs of its residents.

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38-400 Krosno
ul. Lwowska 28a

tel. 13 47 430 01

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Urząd Miasta Krosna

38-400 Krosno
ul. Lwowska 28a

tel. 13 47 43 301

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ul. Blich 1

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