
Entrepreneurs work together for the development of Krosno

The fifth meeting of the Krosno Business Council was held last Thursday, on February 22nd. Participants to the meeting discussed the reform of the urban planning system, the organization of a business plan competition for young inhabitants and students and a tool created by the Association of Polish Cities for monitoring urban development. They also summarized previous activities and results of previous meetings.



With the Krosno Business Council we discuss issues that are important in the perspective of entrepreneurs and the city development. Thanks to these meetings we gain very important information from people managing companies or running their own business activities. Knowledge about current conditions, problems, trends in various industries is extraordinarily valuable and helps properly direct the city’s economic activities or prepare an offer for investors,” says Mr. Piotr Przytocki, the Mayor of Krosno.

The Krosno Business Council has largely contributed to the development of the Krosno Development Program for Entrepreneurs for the years 2023-2030. This document has been developed for the purpose of stimulating economic potential in Krosno and supporting and developing the business sector. The Program supplements the City Development Strategy and contains the catalog of specific actions to be taken in many economic areas. The major scope of the Program includes:

  • preparing staff with the competencies needed in the local labor market,
  • creating an offer of housing for employees,
  • improving entrepreneurship education,
  • active economic marketing,
  • economic infrastructure development,
  • development of investment incentive policies,
  • providing support to entrepreneurs.

One of the major issues discussed by the Krosno Business Council were tax incentives for entrepreneurs - informs dr Tomasz Soliński, the Mayor Deputy - A draft of a new property tax exemption resolution was developed as a part of de minimis help, which will be submitted to the City Council. Works are pending on the property tax exemption resolution under the provisions on the regional investment help, which will support investments with a large development area and a significant number of new jobs. It will be one of the elements motivating investors to locate projects in the area of the emerging Investment Zone “Krosno 2” - a new area for investments of approx. 100 ha - adds the Mayor Deputy.

On the initiative of the Krosno Business Council, matters related to the city promotion and activation of the Old Town Hill were discussed during one of the meetings thereof.

Krosno invited entrepreneurs to participate in a new project entitled “Entrepreneurship Academy” - a competition for the best business plan, connected with a series of training and workshops for participants. The competition is going to be arranged within cooperation of the City of Krosno, the Krosno Business Incubator and the State Academy of Applied Sciences in Krosno. The event is aimed at young inhabitants and students. The formula, rules and regulations will be developed with the participation of the Business Council.

The online guest of the meeting was Ryszard Grobelny of the Association of Polish Cities, who presented the Local Development Monitor - a tool that allows verification of many indicators determining the level of development of municipalities, including, among others, assessment of their potential, analysis of the state of entrepreneurship and investment attractiveness. The Local Development Monitor is available here: .

I would like to thank all entrepreneurs involved in the works of the Krosno Business Council for all their time, feedback, hints and ideas. Thanks to our cooperation and involvement we may create better and better conditions for the development of business and investments in Krosno - says the Mayor, Mr. Piotr Przytocki.


Logo NG_Rozwój lokalny.jpg

The project entitled “We create + We develop+We Activate+We motivate + We determine + We change =KROSNO” implemented as a part of the Local Development Program, co-financed in 85 % from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and in 15 % from the State Budget.

“Together we work for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe”.

The amount of funding received is 15,328,498.86 PLN. The Beneficiary / Leading Partner is the Municipality of Krosno City. The goal of the project is to improve quality of life in Krosno and to provide better adjustment of the Krosno administrative bodies to the needs of its inhabitants.

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