RCKP Eko, zdrowo i filmowo 2023 grafika poziom.webp

Eco, healthy and film. Farewell to the summer break on Radosna Polanka

Eco, healthy and film. Farewell to the summer break on Radosna Polanka is a proposal of how to spend your free time in an active and creative way. The organizers of the initiative want to turn a green piece of space into a cultural and integration zone full of attractions and inspiration. The Regional Center for Cross-Border Cultures in Krosno invites you to participate in another of the initiatives organized by residents. As part of the "Direction: Initiative!" project, grants have been awarded for cultural activities. The "Direction: Initiative!" project was co-financed by funds from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage within the framework of the National Cultural Center program: Culture House+ Edition 2023.


Eco, healthy and film. Farewell to the summer break on Radosna Polanka
When?: August - September 2023
Where? : Krosno, Krosno district, Subcarpathian Voivodeship


Eco, healthy and film. Farewell to the summer break on Radosna Polanka

This is a proposal for active and creative activities for residents of Radosna Polanka at the end of summer break (Saturday, September 2, 2023). The organizers of the initiative want to transform a green piece of space into a cultural and integration zone full of attractions and inspiration.


The project is a proposal to activate the creative potential of children, young people and adults at the end of the summer break, and at the same time develop inter-neighborhood relations. The event, thanks to its multifaceted workshops, will be an opportunity to change the environment together and permanently, gain new skills and competencies, expand knowledge of ecology and healthy lifestyles, as well as have a lot of fun, the originators encourage.

There will be something for everyone: cooking, dancing, gardening, as well as creative and manufacturing workshops (forest in a jar, bird nesting boxes and macramé).

The children, together with adults, will rebuild a previously created hut using the living construction technique, using energy willow as a safer, more durable and environmentally friendly alternative, as well as hang nesting boxes for birds on trees in the immediate area. With an eye to the future: We will take the first steps toward establishing a community garden.

During the event, children and teenagers will present in an arranged outdoor cinema their own film, which they will create with a professional team during their summer break. The picnic will include games, entertainment, animations, competitions. For the youngest, there will be animations and a fun zone, and in the evening for the participants of the event there will be outdoor movies, karaoke and a bonfire. All this in a friendly and intimate atmosphere of herbal infusions, homemade preserves, guitars and the evening sounds of nature. In addition, the outdoor event will host representatives of Volunteer Fire Department,  who will conduct a demonstration of the capabilities of its equipment and water the previously prepared structure after planting the willow tree. The organizers have also planned a competition for the tastiest home-baked goods: breads and cakes.

An additional element will be a spatial planning workshop organized by the Center for Strategic Counseling in Krakow on the possibilities of developing the Radosna Polanka space.

Time of ten initiative implementation: August - September 2023

Activities planned under the initiative:

Film-making workshops
Description: the instructor's work with project participants, during a twelve-hour workshop, which will result in the recording, editing and screening of a film about "Radosna Polanka." The screening of the film created at the workshop will take place during the picnic on September 2, 2023 at 8:30 pm as part of the outdoor cinema event
Host: ViArt film group
For: children and teenagers (12 participants)
Time: the organizational and informational meeting will be held on August 7 at 5 p.m. on Radosna Polanka or, in case of inclement weather, at the Polanka Palace. Subsequent workshop dates will be determined by the implementers with the participants, taking into account the necessary factors (time, time of day, lighting, weather, capabilities of the participants and others)
Where: Radosna Polanka, Popiełuszki 105, Krosno
Form of recruitment/application: applications may be filed from 1st to 5th August 2023


RCKP Eko, zdrowo i filmowo 2023 fot. arch. inicjatora.jpg [995.04 KB]


Permaculture gardening workshop
Description: the instructor's work with project participants, during a three-hour workshop, which will result in the creation of a living gazebo made of energy willow, planting flowers, decorative plants and fruit bushes in the area of Radosna Polanka
Hosts: experienced trainers and nature educators from the informal group Skrzypologia
For: adults, children and adolescents (approx. 12 participants)
Time: 2nd September 2023, 11.30 a.m.
Where: Radosna Polanka, Popiełuszki 105, Krosno
Form of recruitment/applications: the activity is open - the number of participants is unlimited


Dancing workshops
Description: the instructor's work with project participants, during a three-hour workshop, which will result in the creation and presentation of a dance arrangement entitled. "Mother Nature"
For: children and teenagers from 8 to 15 years old
Time: 2nd September 2023
Place: Radosna Polanka, Popiełuszki 105, Krosno
Form of recruitment/applications: -> ONLINE APPLICATION HERE  - capacity limit (max. 20 participants)


Culinary workshops
Description: the instructor's work with project participants, during a three-hour workshop, which will result in the preparation of healthy dishes and beverages: sandwiches, lemonades, herbal infusions, as well as salads that will complement the previously prepared barbecue delicacies
Host: a blogger who runs a Facebook page - "With love on a plate"
For: adults, children and adolescents
Time: 2nd September 2023, 6.30 p.m. – 9.30 p.m.
Place: Radosna Polanka, Popiełuszki 105, Krosno
Form of recruitment/applications: the event is open for everyone

RCKP Eko, zdrowo i filmowo 2023 plakat.jpg [1.13 MB]

Macramé workshop
Description: instructor's work with project participants, during a 3-hour workshop, which will result in the creation of macramé type: kilim, dream catcher or key ring
For: adults, children and adolescents over 8 years of age
Time: 2nd September 2023, 12.30 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.
Place: Radosna Polanka, Popiełuszki 105, Krosno
Form of recruitment/applications: -> ONLINE APPLICATION HERE - capacity limit (max. 20 participants)


Carpentry workshop
Description: instructor's work with project participants during a three-hour workshop, which will result in the creation of birdhouses
For: adults and adolescents over 10 years of age

Time: 2nd September 2023
Place: Radosna Polanka, Popiełuszki 105, Krosno
Form of recruitment/applications: the event is open for everyone


Workshop ‘Forest in a jar’

Desription: instructor's work with project participants, during a three-hour workshop, which will result in the creation of decorative jars
For: adults and adolescents over 10 years of age
Time: 2nd September 2023
Place: Radosna Polanka, Popiełuszki 105, Krosno
Form of recruitment/applications: -> ONLINE APPLICATION HERE - capacity limit (max. 12 participants)

A karaoke zone arranged for singing together, as well as holding the 1st Radosna Polanka Song Contest. The "We Serve Healthy Drinks" zone, where you will be able to treat yourself to cold and hot beverages - herbal teas, natural fruit juices, lemonades, cereal coffees, etc., as well as the "Bonfire Burning" zone - a place to spend time together around a campfire.






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