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Competition and classes organized by the Carpathian State University as a part of the project ‘We Create + We Develop + We Activate + We Motivate + We Determine + We Change = KROSNO’

A series of events organized by the Carpathian State University in Krosno within the framework of the project ‘We Create + We Develop + We Activate + We Motivate + We Determine + We Change = KROSNO’ has begun. Competitions and activities aimed at elementary, secondary school and the University students are aimed at awakening interests in technology, information technology and mathematics and science, as well as enhancing competencies in creativity, innovation and critical thinking.


The organized events are held in two blocks:

  1. ‘Gain experience and skills with the Carpathian State University in Krosno’
  • ‘Krosno e-sports tournament for the cup of the Rector of the Carpathian State University in Krosno" (e-sports competition) - 3rd edition,
  • A COMPETITION FOR FUTURE ENGINEERS under the title "The Engineer of the 21st Century."
  • Energy Olympics,
  • RIDDLE ROOM ‘A Secret labyrinth’ – Escape Room Competition

       2. ‘Popularization of science among elementary school students’.

  • Activities for students of Krosno elementary schools - 1st edition.

‘Krosno e-sports tournament for the cup of the Rector of the Carpathian State University in Krosno’ (e-sports competition)
This is a tournament for teams of five in the game League of Legends with a prize pool worth more than 6,000 PLN. The tournament will last 8 days according to the schedule below:
8th May - Opening of the Tournament on ZOOM
9th May- 13th May – Remote eliminations
16th May – Knock-out stage – stationary (Wyspiańskiego 20, 38-400 Krosno – the Carpathian State University)
Go to the tournament website

COMPETITION FOR FUTURE ENGINEERS under the title ‘ENGINEER of the 21st Century’. - May 12, 9:00 a.m., Carpathian State University in Krosno, 12 Dmochowskiego Street
The competition covers topics at the engineering level in mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science and, in addition, topics in technology in the broadest sense, from the history of inventions to modern developments in the field.
The competition was divided into two stages:

  • Stage I, in which Participants will have to make a poster (A1 format, any technique, in electronic or paper form) on the topic: "Engineering solutions for the benefit of the environment."
  • Stage II - test of technical knowledge, will be held on May 12, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. at the headquarters of the University, 12 Dmochowskiego Street, auditorium 2
    Attractive prizes in the form of vouchers were provided for the first three places in the second stage of the Competition.


Energy Olympics – 13th May 2022 at 9 a.m. at the Carpathian State University in Krosno, Dmochowskiego 12

The Olympics is aimed at students of Krosno high schools and will be held on May 13, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. in the building of the Carpathian State University in Krosno at 12 Dmochowskiego Street in auditorium 2 (Krosno).
The Olympics, in the form of a test, will cover issues at the high school level in the field of energy, including renewable energy sources, mechanics and issues from the broader field of technology. Attractive prizes in the form of vouchers have been provided for the first five places.
The Olympics will include a scientific lecture on energy-related topics for the Participants.

RIDDLE ROOM ‘A Secret labyrinth’ – Escape Room Competition, 20th May 2022 at 8:30 a.m., at the Carpathian State University in Krosno, Dmochowskiego 12
The competition will be held on May 20, 2022 and will begin at 8:30 a.m. at the Carpathian State University in Krosno, 12 Dmochowskiego Street (Krosno).
The competition is organized for students of Krosno high schools.

Aims of the Competition include:

  • developing logical thinking,
  • developing team working skills,
  • stimulating intelligence, speed of action and cunning,
  • promoting technical knowledge among young people.

The competition covers topics in the following fields: mathematics, chemistry, physics, economics, computer science.

Popularization of science among elementary school students
On March 15, 2022, the 1st Edition of classes for students of Krosno elementary schools within the framework of the "Popularization of science among elementary school students" project was launched at the Carpathian State University in Krosno.

In the 1st Edition of the classes, 7 groups were formed from among students of Krosno elementary schools, with a total of 84 students taking part in the classes through 7 modules for two age categories:

  • Classes for grades 1-4:
    o ‘Experimental learning about the world’,
    o ‘Take up Maths and you’ll know’
    o ‘Programming & Robotics’
    o ‘One step forward to learn about business’.
  • Classes for grades 5-8:
    o ‘IT – Programming’,
    o ‘Eco-Technics’,
    o ‘Entrepreneurial Wizard’.

The general objectives of the implemented classes are to arouse technical interests and increase the soft skills of the participants/classes in the field of creativity, innovation, critical thinking, development of interests in computer science, mathematics and natural sciences.
The activities of the 1st Edition will last until June. A Family Picnic will also be held in June, which will be a summary of the entire series of thematically different activities and at the same time will be an opportunity to meet, exchange experiences and deepen social ties and cooperation among those implementing the project, students participating in the activities and their parents.

You can find more information on the website of the Carpathian State University.

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The project „We create+ We develop+ We activate+ We motivate+ We determine+ We change= KROSNO” implemented as a part of the Local Development Programme, co-financed in 85 % from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and in 15 % from the State Budget.

„Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe

The amount of funding received is 15,328,498.86 PLN. The beneficiary/lead partner is the Municipality of Krosno. The aim of the project is to comprehensively improve the quality of life in Krosno and better adapt Krosno's administration to the needs of its residents.


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