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Community organizing in Polanka district

How is the work of a Krosno community organizer going on the outskirts of the city? Summary of 4 months of activities. 

Reaching out to people and listening to what they have to say were the first steps Anna Zielinska took in implementing a model of public participation that was innovative for Krosno. Was it easy?


‘Working in the field and finding people who are willing to take the time and talk about the immediate area is not the easiest thing to do. Most often, people don't know what's going on, don't feel comfortable and don't feel like engaging in conversation with a stranger. I think this is understandable. What we are doing, in such an advanced and methodical way, is happening for the first time in Krosno’ says Zielana (Anna Zielinska - Krosno community organizer).

After the first month of work, as a result of little edifying insights, the Kogel Mogel Association conferring with the Center for Strategic Consulting in Cracow (a company that has been developing and supporting the idea of community organizing in Krosno since 2018) decided to change one important element of the implemented project. Starting in January 2023, Krosno organizers, no longer reached out to individual residents but to community-organized groups. It turned out to be crucial to invite representatives of these groups to a meeting held on January 12 at the Local Activity Center, where they had the opportunity to talk about themselves. This is how the relationship between the two groups and Zielana was born, and in the course of its further work, ideas began to germinate in the heads of those most interested and attentive.

In late January and early February, Zielana conducted a listening campaign, an action and facilitation phase with representatives of the school group. The conversations took place among people 30+. According to statistics from the city of Krosno, do they have low levels of attachment to the city and a low sense of agency?

Listening to individual voices, I see a lot of potential in the new Parents Council of the Elementary Schook No. 7. They are open to news, took part in the meeting "Invitation to community organizing" and in return invited me to visit. They wish for better communication between the local government and residents. They feel responsible for the school, they are ready to act, but they lack knowledge of opportunities. They also don't get information on how they could participate in the process of managing the city, specifically the school their children attend, Zielana says.

An initiative group of about 20 people, with the support of Zielana, learned about the call for proposals for the Strategy for the Development of the City of Krosno for 2023-2030. The members of the group decided in solidarity to confer, plan, write and submit their project. The proposal "The school will change, it will be active around the greenery. Development of outdoor areas around the building of the Complex of Schools No. 3 by: modernization of the existing playground, reclamation of the grass field, retrofitting the grass field with a jump and a running track, plantings, small architecture, green classrooms, a bicycle town, a route for people with physical disabilities, elements of street workout, a sensory path, lighting and monitoring, took high, 5th place among the 64 proposals that were submitted to the Strategy for the Development of the City of Krosno for 2023-2030, becoming a key project that can contribute to solving the most important problems of a strategic nature.

At the end of February and the beginning of March, Zielana concentrated its activities on the oldest neighbourhood in the Polanka district. Talks were held in the circles of residents of the block of apartments no. 105.

In preparing for this task, I wondered how much time it would take to give this group a sense of the impact they could experience by acting together. I don't want to forestall ... but they are so committed and determined that the power to make an impact became their companion long before I was. What do I do in this case? I have taken care of informing, systematizing the facts and making sure they are consistent in their efforts," says Zielana.

A neighbourhood initiative group of about 20 people, with the support of Zielana, learned about the call for proposals for the Development Strategy of the City of Krosno for 2023-2030. They decided to describe in great detail what they were aiming for. The goal of the project became to create, in the heart of the oldest neighbourhood in the Polanka district, a multi-generational space for neighbourhood meetings. The project includes the development of outdoor areas around the blocks of apartments on Popieluszko Street (plot number 228/43) by creating: a zone for seniors, an outdoor gym, a playground, a youth square, a neighbourhood garden, a barbecue area, lighting and monitoring. The applicatiom titled "Radosna Polanka". Development of municipal green areas at the housing estate on Popiełuszki Street in Krosno took a high, 6th place among the 64 proposals that were submitted to the Development Strategy of the City of Krosno for 2023-2030, becoming a key project that can contribute to solving the most important problems of a strategic nature.

Photos and graphics– Zielana, Facebook profile: Kosno - Polanka dzielnica mego miasta Krosna


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The project „We create+ We develop+ We activate+ We motivate+ We determine+ We change= KROSNO” implemented as a part of the Local Development Programme, co-financed in 85 % from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and in 15 % from the State Budget.

„Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe"

The amount of funding received is 15,328,498.86 PLN. The beneficiary/lead partner is the Municipality of Krosno. The aim of the project is to comprehensively improve the quality of life in Krosno and better adapt Krosno's administration to the needs of its residents.


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