Grafika - Organizowanie społecznościowe w mieście Krośnie.webp

Community Organization in the city Krosno

The Kogel Mogel Association is embarking on a venture to empower residents in their immediate neighborhoods, based on an internationally recognized model of public participation.

Community organizing is not a total novelty in Poland, but is just in its infancy. This method makes it possible not only to find out what residents think about the functioning of the city, or to unite them in common aspirations, but also to find ways to work together and achieve the goals set.

To work as community organizers, the association has hired two people who previously gained competence by taking part in a two-year EU project entitled "Socially Organized - a model for launching local activity and social revitalization based on the idea of Community Organizing." 

 You can read more about it HERE.

Krosno community organizers, on the basis of the knowledge and experience gained, will work for the next 14 months in the revitalization zone of the city of Krosno implementing the model, the assumptions of which they have already had the opportunity to test in 2019. You can read more about it HERE.

You can find up-to-date information about the activities of community organizers our Facebook profile..

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The project „We create+ We develop+ We activate+ We motivate+ We determine+ We change= KROSNO” implemented as a part of the Local Development Programme, co-financed in 85 % from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and in 15 % from the State Budget.

„Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe"

The amount of funding received is 15,328,498.86 PLN. The beneficiary/lead partner is the Municipality of Krosno. The aim of the project is to comprehensively improve the quality of life in Krosno and better adapt Krosno's administration to the needs of its residents.

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Urząd Miasta Krosna

38-400 Krosno
ul. Lwowska 28a

tel. 13 47 430 01

Kontakt z Inwestorami
Urząd Miasta Krosna

38-400 Krosno
ul. Lwowska 28a

tel. 13 47 43 301

Informacja Kulturalno-Turystyczna

38-400 Krosno
ul. Blich 1

tel/fax. 515 252 776

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